
Note2: I will not grade late submissions.


Note: From now on, I won't grade ugly, no CSS web projects. So make your works pretty.


AS1 - PHP CRUD - Jan 20 (checked)

Create or Add a new record to your user table


AS2 - PHP CRUD - Jan 22 (checked)

Update or Edit an existing record in your user table) + Extra points for form validations.


EX1 - PHP CRUD - Jan 27 (checked)

Deploy a simple CRUD to your playground based on


AS3 - PHP CRUD AJAX - Feb 5 (checked)

Deploy a simple CRUD to your playground based on


PRE1 - Google Maps API - Feb 5 (checked)

5-minute Demo of the Google Maps API. Show & tell. Don't forget to sign up for your API Keys. Center your coordinates to Manila, Philippines.


AS4 - Google APIs - Feb 10 (postponed)

Set-up on your playground a Google API Demo and demonstrate 3 new Google API applications. Refer to


AS5 - PHP CRUD with Form Validation - Feb 12  Feb 17, Tue (checked)

Program form validation then set it up on your playground. Checking on the next meeting.


Reminders in creating validation scripts:

  1. Use the html form maxlength attribute.
  2. Show the required fields immediately.
  3. Give information or examples on what to input on the form.
  4. Show errors clearly (like in bold red colors).
  5. When there's an error, you have to show the form with the erroneous value again. Don't leave the form blank.


X1 - Plurk API - (Bonus)

Do something awesome with the Plurk API. Upload to your playground.


EX2 - Live Validation (checked)



AS6 - Deploy Drupal - Feb 17, Tue (checked)

Deploy a vanilla installation of the latest Drupal ( to your playground. e.g. {username}


AS7 - Demonstration of a PHP Session - Feb 19, Thu (checked)

Show an example of a simple PHP session in action.


ME -  MidTerm Exam - Feb 25, 11:59PM Wed (checked)



EX3 - link back, about page profile, gravatar - Mar 3, Tue (checked)

Link back to, create an about page ( com & site90), and upload your best avatar.


AS8 - Ajax Type Ahead City DB Lookup - Mar 3, Tue (checked)

Modify this exercise to lookup cities of the Philippines in action.


PROJ1 - Create a website for a musician friend or fan site - March 31, Tue

This is a Group project. Edit the wiki and write the musician/band of your choice. You cannot duplicate a musician/band that's already chosen. No downloadable song MP3s if you don't want to offend your fave musician.


Grade will be based on Aestherics, special features (forum, shoutbox, chat feature, etc.) and flair.


AS9 - Buy a T-Shirt! - Mar 10, Tue (checked)

Using the Wufoo Form Gallery, create a T-Shirt ordering form that saves to a MySQL database. Upload to your playground.


AS10 - Popfly - Mar 10, Tue (checked)

Post a Popfly demo on your blog.


AS11 - Dippity for your lifestream - Mar 10, Tue (checked)




View a real world website project brief >>


AS12 - Pitch - Mar 12, Thu (checked)

Create a slide presentation proposal based on this project brief. Maximum of 5 slides.


THE GOAL: For this project to be awared to you. This presentation has to be so convincing. Make an excellent SALES PITCH.


Slide 1: Website Project Objectives

Slide 2: Show website Mock-ups (Website design references, screenshots, design pegs, etc.)

Slide 3: Show all website features

Slide 4: Show all the special features (secret sauce) why will this website be unique?

Slide 5: FINAL PITCH (Why will they award the project to you?)


PROJ2 - Build the website you pitched - April 7, Tue

This is a Group project. Build the website that you have proposed. Choose the best proposal in your group.



AS13 - Website proposal (Submit a Website Proposal & Cost Estimate) - Mar 17, Tue

Create a Website proposal & CE (cost estimate) (.PDF) for your website project. Blog about this.


EX4 AS14 - Simplepie - Mar 19, Thu


Building upon your Simplepie homework, re-create your own using Simplepie.


AS15 - Rails Session (Tentatively) - Mar 24, Tue (moved to Mar 31, Tue)


EX5 - Poly9


Make this code happen using your geotagged Flickr pictures


AS16 - Facebook - Mar 26, Thu


FB App in 10 minutes


EX6 - Credit Card Validator - Mar 26, Thu

Based on the example above create a form validating the credit card number input. Extra grade for those who can make something similar to Live Validation.


modified code:



AS17 - amCharts - Mar 31, Tue


Graph your social media friends. Create a bar graph of the number of friends you have per social network site (Multiply, Friendster, Facebook, Plurk, Twitter, etc.) Make sure you change the background image (don't use the beer pic).


AS18 - Auto-complete revisted (aka City Lookup) & Style switcher - Apr 2, Thu


Create a products database lookup. Use this demo


Style switcher revisted - Switch 2 different CSS files based on the tutorial



AS19 - fb-style - Apr 7, Tue


I want to see the list of your Facebook friends using this UI prototype



FINALS - Anexetastos Project - Apr 14, Tue (Submission of Finals exams & PROJ1 & PROJ2)


April 14, 2009, Tue CL3

1:00PM - 3:00PM O0B

3:30PM - 5:30PM O0A








Coming up next

>> Social Network Site

>> Simple Pie

>> simple shoutbox

>> Facebook App

>> OpenSocial

>> Google App Engine

>> a kick-ass Web Application